

Facebook to RSS

Our service allows you to create a feed from the company page, restaurant, shop, and many other public pages. We can also create a feed from some public groups.

Advance Feeds Generator

Easily create optimized product feeds for marketing channels like Google, Facebook, & Instagram. Easily create the most optimized and error-free product feeds.

Page Plugin - Social Plugins - Meta for Developers

The Page plugin lets you easily embed and promote any public Facebook Page on your website. ... To enable messaging on your Facebook page go to your Page Settings ...

Embedded Posts - Social Plugins

Embedded Posts. Embedded Posts are a simple way to put public posts - by a Page or a person on Facebook - into the content of your web site or web page.

Facebook Feed Generator API v2.4

Facebook Feed Generator API v2.4. This app can help you to generate their facebook feed link by simply input the URL in just 2 steps! Facebook URL

Create Facebook RSS Feeds

Create RSS feeds from any public Facebook page or group. Just copy and paste the Facebook URL below to get started.

RSS Feed Generator, Create RSS feeds from URL

The #1 Source of RSS Feeds: Generate RSS feeds from almost any source and embed news feeds to your html website using JS or iframe widgets. Facebook RSS Feed · RSS Feed Generator, Create... · Telegram RSS Feed · Wix

Facebook Feed Widget

評分 5.0 (320) · US$0.00 至 US$20.00 · 社交網路 Create stunning Facebook feeds & Improve user experience with Common Ninja's Facebook Feed widget. It's free, easily customizable & mobile-friendly.

Facebook Product Feed Generator

Use our Product Feed Generator Tool to quickly create an XML URL to automatically sync your inventory with Facebook Ads and populate your product catalog. Tools ...

訂閱Facebook 粉絲專頁RSS 的方法,幫你脫離臉書訊息控制

方法很簡單,只要進入「Facebook Feed Generator」這個線上工具,不須註冊或登入,也不需有授權,就能產生「 Facebook 粉絲專頁的RSS 訂閱地址」,並且還幫你自動訂閱到Feedly ...